Prayer and Reading for Those Addicted to Pain Medication


Dear great spirit: We ask you today to lay your loving arms around our loved ones with the need to numb physical or emotional pain through synthetic pain medications.  They were doing the right thing at one point in time and then got caught up depending on a source for joy that is not sustainable for their health or for keeping the the loving relationships in their lives.  
My call to you today is to send a message of love and understanding and plant within them a desire to feel better without the drugs.  Then, I know, the right people will come into their lives to help them recover.  
Also, I realize I am not responsible for their decisions, but please also hold me in comforting arms while I witness the people I love make choices I don’t understand.  Thank you for your infinite wisdom and unconditional love.

Today's Reading for: Anyone Addicted to Pain Medication

The earth mineral for healing today is Howlite.  
Howlite represents spiritual beginnings and a gentle letting go of the past.  
Howlite showed up for you today to remind you that it does not have to be a struggle to let go.  You will be surrounded by supportive friends, family and forces outside your view to help you on your path to living a pain-free life without synthetic medication.  
What you have before you is an open door.  This open door leads to a kind path with less drama and struggle.  This open path is available to you if you are willing to lay down the past and be kind to yourself about your past decisions and actions.  
This freedom and support is all yours once you make a commitment to your self and your health.